Digital Overdose Response System (DORS)
In Alberta, approximately 70% of opioid-related deaths take place in private residences, often among those who are using while alone.
The Digital Overdose Response System (DORS) app allows Albertans* using opioids or other substances to summon emergency response to their location if they become unconscious.
The DORS app also provides information on national and provincial addiction recovery supports and services, such as the Addiction Helpline, helping ensure people have the information they need to move towards their journey to recovery.
The DORS app cannot guarantee that an overdose will not occur, but it does provide ongoing monitoring to ensure medical response reaches an individual as quickly as possible if they become unresponsive.
*DORS is currently available throughout Alberta. Click here to see the full coverage areas.
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Protecting privacy and personal data is at the heart of the app design.
Download the app from Google Play or the Apple Store on your phone. Add only your cellphone number to register.
When using alone, press the Start Button on the app and confirm your location. A timer will count down. It can be extended or cancelled at any time.
If you don't cancel or extend your session and the timer ends, an alarm will try to alert you and an emergency alert is sent to a Respond Centre
The Response Centre will call you to see if you require assistance. If you say yes or don't answer, medical help will be sent to your location.